Qui police tué dans 2014

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Dans les mois qui ont suivi Michael Brown a été abattu par l'agent Darren Wilson Août 9, manifestants ont défilé, mettre en place des barrages de rue, fermer les autoroutes, et affronté les policiers mêmes qu'ils veulent traduits en justice. Décisions de grand jury de ne pas inculper Wilson, or the NYPD officer who choked Eric Garner to death on film, have sparked what may be a tipping point for people exhausted with the number of deaths at the hands of law enforcement.

Malheureusement, we know Brown and Garner were just one of many people who died at the hands of police this year. But a dearth of national data on fatalities caused by police makes it difficult to pinpoint the exact number of deaths. One site put the total at 1,039.

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  1. I understand you are very pro black no matter what occasion, how do you feel about the African American make who killed the 2 cops (1 hardworking Asian male with a family, et 1 Hispanic male with a family)?