Vinita Lark Williams

Posted in I Like Stuff

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Azienda: All Things Culinary

Personal Chef, Instructor & Caterer

Contattaci: 323-732-5376, mobile 310-343-0922

Vinita’s culinary point-of-view: I find joy in creatively mixing exotic spices into my favorite Southern recipes. I bring home and infuse my dishes with spices and foods from far-flung locations. These include Jamaica, Asia, Francia, Puerto Rico, Sudamerica, Caraibi (with a little influence from Cuba), the Dominican Republic, e altri.

Why Southern? Growing up happily with Southern comfort foods spurred my culinary passion. Cooking reminds me of those happy times with my family and friends. Having lost more than 65 pounds a while ago, I am motivated to cook healthy foods. Married to a wonderful man that appreciates me and my cooking, I am hugely motivated to use my skills and knowledge to make our meals sensual delights.

E, using my many years of training and experience, I frequently expand my recipes for invited guests. They leap at the opportunity to enjoy my cooking. I always receive rave reviews! I am in the process taking my recipes writing a cookbook.

T. Il. Appearances for recipe/cooking contests and demos (click links below):

Good Day LA May 25, 2012

TODAY Meatball Madness Dec. 2011

TODAY Stuffing Cook-off Nov.2011

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