Tyler Izan e Nana Gyamfi * ascolta qui *

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Tyler Izan e Nana Gyamfi

Tyler Izen (sinistra) is the president of the Los Angeles Police Protective League in Los Angeles, California. The Los Angeles Police Protective League represents the more than 9,900 dedicated and professional sworn members of the Los Angeles Police Department. The league seeks to advance the interest of LAPD officers through legislative and legal advocacy, political action and education. As president, Detective Izen works daily with the Los Angeles Police Department, community groups and fellow officers to protect the rights, interests and welfare of the members of the League.

Izen joined the Los Angeles Police Department on February 4, 1985. He has worked patrol, vice investigations, detective, administrative and supervisory assignments as a police officer, Sergeant and Detective in Northeast, Sud-est, Hollywood, Metropolitan Division, Foothill, Internal Affairs, Office of the Inspector General and Force Investigation Division.

He was elected as a Director to the LAPPL on January 1, 2009 and elected and President on January 1, 2012. He currently serves on the Board of Directors (past Chairman) of the Los Angeles Police Federal Credit Union (da 1992) and is also a Director with the Los Angeles Police Museum.

Twitter: @lappl_izen.

Nana Gyamfi (diritto) è stato un avvocato di diritti umani e civili, con una specializzazione in difesa penale dal 1994.

Ispirato da avvocati C. Vernon Mason, Alton Maddox, e il dott. Lennox Hinds e il loro lavoro per conto delle persone di Howard Beach, Tawana Brawley, e Central Park Cinque studi, Nana è laureato alla Cornell University e ha conseguito la laurea in Giurisprudenza presso School of Law di UCLA.

Si considera un avvocato per la gente e dice che lei è dedicata ad aiutare le persone svantaggiate e oppressi.

In 1992, mentre ancora a scuola di diritto, Nana ha lavorato con Chokwe Lumumba al Black Law Institute e co-organizzato e diretto la comunità organizza aspetto della difesa per la LA Four Plus, un soprannome dato agli uomini il compito di l'attacco a Reginald Denny.

Oggi, corre il Crenshaw Clinica Legale dove, oltre ad essere un avvocato che fornisce laboratori facilità di legge in materia di conoscere i vostri diritti. La clinica offre anche una casa per i gruppi che lavorano per abolire la pena di morte, liberare i prigionieri politici, e rompendo il complesso industriale carcerario.

Sito: nanagyamfi.com

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  1. 1. Tyler Izen mentioned that he didn’t want to offend anyone, once he used the “black on black crime” argument, and you checked him on it. Bene, his presence is offensive. Anytime you have this many young black men being murdered, and his only explanation is “we don’t know what really happened” o “sometimes you’d find some information that would blow your mind” which is code for “we need to find a story to neutralize opinions toward cops…your goal is to protect the police, solo.

    I’m not even sure why he was on the show, but I appreciate you (even though delicately) holding his feet to the fire about his inconsistencies… He offered zero, real sympathy. He’s as heartless and cold as the people he protects…and at the very least, exposing us to heartless drones who don’t have a problem with innocent, unarmed civilians being murdered, helps us to see clearer…