È difficile non notare l'oltraggio selettivo di Trump riguardo al "giusto processo",,en,New Media Monday w / Sabra Marie,,en,Jaszmin Kuhner e Christina Ford,,en

Posted in In primo piano, Prima pagina, News

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President Trump kicked off Saturday morning with a series of tweets on his favorite subjects — taking credit for low unemployment rates in the U.S., slamming the FBI’s investigation into Russian collusion in the 2016 elezioni, and defending abusive men.

No doubt alluding to the two now-booted White House staffers accused of domestic abuse — White House Secretary Rob Porter and speechwriter David Sorensen — the president lamented the travesty of justice that would force a man like Porter (accused by his ex-wives of beingLEGGI TUTTO

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Commenti per È difficile non notare l'oltraggio selettivo di Trump riguardo al "giusto processo",,en,New Media Monday w / Sabra Marie,,en,Jaszmin Kuhner e Christina Ford,,en sono ormai chiuse.