This Is How Black Girls finire in School-To-carcere Pipeline

Posted in In primo piano, Prima pagina, News


In a video from a Baltimore middle school released last week, una ragazza è convocato giù da una rampa di scale da un ufficiale di polizia scuola. Dopo quello che sembra, dal video, essere non più di pochi secondi, lei scende i gradini, ma cammina rapidamente passato il poliziotto, apparently ignoring a demand that she stop. The officer pins her against a wall, and soon the girl’s sister and later a third black girl—their cousin—rush in to intervene, crowding in and trying to get the officer to loosen her grip. The officer, a woman, runs after the cousin and hits her at least twice with a baton, bloodying that girl’s head so badly she will later need stitches. The officer, unprovoked and apparently angered by their refusal to accept her authority, then sprays the other two girls in the eyes with pepper spray.


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