El gobierno está regando por la recolección de datos sobre las muertes bajo custodia policial

Publicado en Destacados, No hay noticias, Noticias

Long exposure to capture the full array of police car lights. 12MP camera.


En 2014, the same year Mike Brown, Eric Garner, Tamir Rice, Akai Gurley, and hundreds of other people were killed by police officers across the country, Congress passed the Deaths In Custody Reporting Act (DICRA) to ensure that all deaths in police custody are recorded and reported to the Attorney General. But nearly two years later, the implementation process has yet to beginLEER MÁS

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1 Cómo

En este momento hay 1 Cómo en El gobierno está regando por la recolección de datos sobre las muertes bajo custodia policial. Tal vez le gustaría añadir uno de los tuyos?

  1. Messiah Baptist Church Peaceful Protest March Wednesday October 19, 2016 beginning at the Pershing Square 532 S. Olive Street, Los Angeles to Police Headquarters 100 En. 1st Street at 10:30 am a 1 pm. Bringing awareness and showing support for our young Black Men dying at the hands of the police. I am the
    First Lady and the organizer. I have 5 hijos, one is a L.A.P.D. officer and my husband is a retired L.A.P.D. Detective.
    Thanking you in advance
    Messiah Baptist Church
    4500 En. Adams Blvd.
    Los Angeles, Como 90016