Sara Soulati and Coach E

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Sara Soulati and Coach E

Sara Soulati is founder and CEO of Global Cardio Care, 公司, the company she launched in Inglewood in 2002 as a place to practice health for everyone with a heart.

自 1996, when Sara began her journey in the field of Enhanced External Counterpulsation (EECP®) she has seen the power of EECP improve circulation, prevent disease and reverse cardiovascular disease.

She designed the proven Sara Soulati Health For Life Program™ , a total approach for prevention and reversal of cardiovascular disease from head to toe. The Sara Soulati Health For Life Program™ directly addresses high blood pressure, 行程, 糖尿病, angina/chest pain, cardiovascular disease, 肥胖, and other illnesses. Her program is successful in teaching and inspiring clients to make lifestyle changes in nutrition and exercise combined with the benefits of EECP therapy.

Her vision and mission is to save lives and raise awareness about EECP to prevent, fight and reverse cardiovascular disease. She is known worldwide as a leading authority on EECP and its effects on the total body in the fight against cardiovascular disease.

Sara received a Bachelor of Arts in medical anthropology and a minor in biology from California State University, 长滩.


埃里希纳尔 是终极转换训练在洛杉矶的拥有者和创始人, 美国加州.

埃里希, 称为昵称为 教练é, 在他的生活,作为一个教育工作者和健康促进已在洛杉矶社区的著名人物, 体能和自我完善.

他曾执教,培养了许多成功的职业运动员, 演员, 过去在娱乐行业的模型和其他 18 年. 埃里希是一个充满激情 励志演说 生活教练和专用.

埃里希是一个普通的客人,贡献者,电台节目上头版 102.3 KJLH 在洛杉矶,作家 排球杂志. 他既是一个认证的教练和营养师,花了近 25 年从最好的学习.

埃里希也是总裁和创始人 高校青年组织搜寻, 它提供了教程的支持和学术援助,以学生从小学至大学毕业的成功预科.

他与他的妻子和三个女儿在洛杉矶. 他对健康和保健的最引人注目的评论是: “我想每一个人爱上自己的最高形象。”



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