Millones de trabajadores recibirán un aumento día de Año Nuevo

Publicado en Destacados, No hay noticias, Noticias


En enero 1, 20 estados aumentarán sus salarios mínimos, mientras que uno - Nueva York - aumentarán su salario el miércoles.

Eso significa que todo dijo, 3.1 millón de trabajadores estadounidenses recibir el Año Nuevo con un aumento de sueldo.

Once estados y Washington, DC are increasing their minimum wages thanks to changes in the law either by legislation passed by lawmakers or referenda passed by voters. Nine others will see an automatic increase because their wages are indexed to rise with inflation. Actualmente, 15 states have automatic increases built into their minimum wages, unlike the federal law.

The January 1 raises range from a 12-cent boost in Florida, whose minimum wage will increase to $8.05, to a $1.25 increase in South Dakota, bringing its wage to $8.50.

The increases in the New Year will mean that in 2015, the majority of states — 29 and Washington, DC — will have minimum wages set above the federal level of $7.25 una hora. They will also mean that 60 percent of all American workers will live in a state with a higher minimum wage.

Fuente: Think Progress

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