Harris Marqueece-Dawson

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Marqueece & Dominique

Councilmember Marqueece Harris-Dawson was sworn into office on July 1, 2015. A long-time community organizer in South LA, Marqueece has deep roots in the community as he recently served as President and CEO of Community Coalition, one of the most progressive non-profits in the city. Councilmember Harris-Dawson is eager to be your voice in City Hall and to fight for constituents’ needs.

Marqueece was born and raised in South Los Angeles, fino ai primi anni 1980, quando è stato sradicato. Con l'inizio della epidemia Crack, i suoi genitori lui e il suo fratello minore fuori del quartiere si muovevano come bande e polizia violenza salito alle stelle. Crestfallen to be torn away from “the village,” Marqueece made it his life’s work to make sure no other family feels it has to move out of South Los Angeles to keep their children safe.



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  1. I would like information regarding coffee with the Marqueece Harris-Dawson At the church on 109th and Broadway. When and what time?
    Shirley Bell