Jasmine Richards and Dr. 梅丽娜·阿卜杜拉

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Black Lives Matter

梅丽娜·阿卜杜拉 is Professor and Chair of Pan-African Studies at California State University, 洛杉矶. 她赢得了她的博士. 和M.A. 来自南加州大学政治学与她的BA大学. 霍华德大学非裔美国人研究.

她的研究主要集中在电力分配和社会转型. 阿卜杜拉曾撰写多篇文章和书籍章节, 包括“一个黑人女性主义的领导模式的出现,“”嘻哈作为政治表达,“”自定义的领导力在黑人妇女,在我的咽喉“,”资本主义手: 公司控制权和嘻哈的女性主义根源的侵蚀,“”推拉走向联合: 非裔美国人和选举安东尼奥·维拉莱戈萨的,“和”迈向女性主义Praxis的领导力: 选举/基层联盟在加利福尼亚州黑。“

Jasmine Richards is a Pasadena native who has been directly affected by state-sanctioned violence. She became an activist after the murder of Mike Brown in Ferguson. She is now a lead organizer with Black Lives Matter – 帕萨迪纳, working closely with the family of Kendrec McDade who was killed in 2012 by Pasadena police. Most recently Jasmine made headlines after being arrested in connection with a demonstration and changed with making “terrorist threats.”

网站: www.BlackLivesMatter.com
Black Lives Matter – Emergency Pasadena Townhall
何时: April 17th 4pm
哪里: New Revelation Baptist Church

欲了解更多信息, please email us at BlackLivesMatterPasadena@gmail.com



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