Comment sortir avec Assassiner: Ferguson

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The shorter version of this week’s news out of Ferguson is basically this: Soldats de plomb et Nixon à venir. L'enquête du grand jury de la fusillade d'une adolescente Mike Brown, par la Ferguson, Mo., agent de police Darren Wilson a traîné pendant des semaines, from the hot summer afternoon when Brown’s corpse was left to rot on the street for four long hours, to this week’s polar vortex. Ce cold snap makes it even more likely that authorities will finally announce the decision they’ve been carefully grooming for weeks, that Officer Wilson will not be charged with murdering an unarmed 18-year-old.

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  1. I have been discussing this with both
    African Americans and Latinos on
    my feeling on Mr Obama going to Chicago
    about immigration reform qhen Ferguson
    is in a CRISIS. Are we relevant and or important
    In this country. So here is my question I want

    The President is spending his executive powers
    to bring in 5 million illegals that broke the laws
    and committed a crime by staying here to give them citizenship
    rights when African American citizens here for generations legally have NO RIGHTS and are treated like second class citizens and
    are losing jobs based on the rampant bilingual Only or preferred status for jobs. And there is a vast discrepancy On how people of African ancestry are
    Allowed or not allowed to immigrate such as how Haitians are treated.
    Why were those changes included in the immigration bill???
    We will continue to be treated as sub standard citizens in a country we were
    kidnapped chained bound and gagged and brought to an enslaved if every
    Other race that comes here is treated better than us, even our president has to
    Thread lightly on worrying about what he says Nd does for African Americans
    That might make things bad for Hillary when she runs.