Dr. Julianne Malveaux

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Dr. Julianne Malveaux is president,,en,Emerita,,en,van Bennett College for Women,,en,Sy is 'n ekonoom,,en,skrywer en kommentator wie se gewilde geskrifte verskyn het in USA Today,,en,Ms.Magazine,,en,die Progressiewe en vele meer,,en,Bekend vir optredes op nasionale netwerkprogramme,,en,Malveaux is beplan om kommentaar te lewer oor onderwerpe wat wissel van ekonomie tot vroueregte en openbare beleid,,en,Sy het ook televisie- en radioprogramme aangebied,,en,'N Toegewyde aktivis en burgerlike leier,,en,Malveaux beklee posisies in vroue,,en,en beleidsorganisasies,,en,Tans dien sy in die direksies van die Instituut vir Ekonomiese Beleid,,en,Die ontspanningswenslyskomitee van Washington,,en,en die Liberiaanse Onderwysstrust,,en,Malveaux is ook president van PUSH Excel,,en,die opvoedkundige tak van die Rainbow PUSH Coalition,,en,www.JulianneMalveaux.com,,en,@DrJLastWord,,pl Emerita of Bennett College for Women. She is an economist, author and commentator who’s popular writings have appeared in USA Today, Swart Kwessies in Hoër Onderwys, Ms.Magazine, Wese Magazine, the Progressive and many more.

Well-known for appearances on national network programs, including CNN, BET, PBS, NBC, ABC, Fox News, MSNBC, CNBC, C-SPAN en ander; Malveaux is booked to offer commentary on subjects ranging from economics to women’s rights and public policy. She has also hosted television and radio programs.

A committed activist and civic leader, Dr. Malveaux has held positions in women’s, civil rights, and policy organizations. Currently she serves on the boards of the Economic Policy Institute, The Recreation Wish List Committee of Washington, DC, and the Liberian Education Trust. Malveaux is also President of PUSH Excel, the educational branch of the Rainbow PUSH Coalition. Lees meer

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