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Congressmember Karen Bass was re-elected to her fourth term representing the 37th Congressional District in November 2016. Congressmember低音服务于众议院外交事务委员会,她是在非洲排名小组委员会的成员对, 全球健康, 全球人权和国际组织. 作为众议院司法委员会成员, Congressmember Bass is also working to craft sound criminal justice reforms as well as protect intellectual property right infringements that threaten the economic health of the 37th District.

她被民主党领袖南希·佩洛西选择供职于著名的指导和政策委员会, 这台民主党党团的政策方向, as Organization, Study and Review Chair. Congressmember低音也打在国会黑人党团领导作用 (CBC), where she serves as 2nd Vice-Chair for the 115th Congress. She grew up with three brothers in the Venice/Fairfax area of Los Angeles and is the only daughter of DeWitt and Wilhelmina Bass. She graduated from Hamilton High School, 加州州立大学多明格斯山, and the University of Southern California’s School of Medicine Physician Assistant Program.

网站: Bass.House.gov



提出的意见 国会女议员卡伦低音 目前已经结束.