
张贴在 精选, 展会须知


Congress member Karen Bass was re-elected to her third term representing the 37日国会区 十一月 2014. Congress member Bass serves on the 众议院外交事务委员会 在那里,她是排名的会员 小组委员会非洲, 全球健康, 全球人权和国际组织. 作为一个部件 众议院司法委员会, Congress member Bass is also working to craft sound criminal justice reforms as well as protect intellectual property right infringements that threaten the economic health of the 37th District. 她被选中 民主党领袖 南希·佩洛西担任著名的指导和政策委员会, 这台民主党党团的政策方向, as Organization, Study and Review Chair. Congress member Bass is also playing a leadership role in the Congressional Black Caucus (CBC), where she serves as Secretary for the 114th Congress.

在努力成为顺应人民在她的区, Congressmember Bass created the Congressional Council, which provides an opportunity for constituents to learn firsthand about the issues in Congress and how to become involved in the legislative process. The Council, composed of all volunteers, seeks to engage other District residents in public policy, both domestic and internationally.


办公室: 323-965-1422
网站: Bass.house.gov
事件: Town Hall and Legislative Report-Back
二月 27, 2016 at Ward AME Church
1177 在. 25th圣.
洛杉矶, 加利福尼亚 90007



提出的意见 国会女议员卡伦低音 目前已经结束.