Deputata Karen Bass

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Karen Bass

Congressmember Karen Bass was re-elected to her fifth term representing the 37th Congressional District in November 2018. Congressmember Bass serves on the House Committee on Foreign Affairs where she is Ranking Member of the Subcommittee on Africa, Global Health, Global Human Rights and International Organizations. As a member of the House Judiciary Committee, Congressmember Bass is also working to craft sound criminal justice reforms as well as protect intellectual property right infringements that threaten the economic health of the 37th District.

E 'stata selezionata da Leader democratico Nancy Pelosi a far parte del prestigioso direttivo e Comitato di politica, che imposta la direzione politica del Caucus Democratico, as Organization, Study and Review Chair. Congressmember Bass is also playing a leadership role in the Congressional Black Caucus (CBC), where she serves as Chair for the 116th Congress.

Sito: Congresswoman Bass

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