S'appuyant sur les bases de l'exercice

Publié dans Coach E, Contributeurs, Front Page collaborateurs, Le village de bien-être







Une transformation Moment ultime

Ultime transformation Moment de cette semaine continue de s'appuyer sur les bases de la préparation de l'exercice.

Une fois que vous avez le bon équipement, il est maintenant temps d'y aller. Cependant, pour vous aider, il permet d'avoir un système en place qui vous prépare et vous transporte à travers l'entraînement.

Déterminez ce que votre plan d'action sera. Par exemple, vous marcher trois miles ou 45 procès-verbal? Avant de partir, voici quelques choses à faire.

Première, vous devez réchauffer le corps et obtenir votre sang qui coule. Vous pouvez marcher en place ou commencer par une marche lente pour deux à trois minutes. Cela vous permettra d'étirer le corps beaucoup plus facile.

Cela nous amène à la deuxième étape d'étirage-. Dans mon livre, "21 jours de Ultimate Santé et Bien-être,«Je mets cinq étirements, un tronçon dynamique, that you can do to thoroughly warm the body up and stretch the lower back, hamstrings, quads and upper body. Stretching will not only help prevent injury, but it will allow you to perform better during exercise.

Suivant, have a clear plan. If you’re going to walk, know your course. Avant de partir, make sure you have some water. If you can sip water every 15 procès-verbal, you can stave off dehydration.

Cependant, if you are drinking water the night before, you may not need it.

If you’re working out by yourself, your stopwatch can act as your workout partner. Par exemple, if you make three miles your exercise goal for the day and you walk those three miles in 40 procès-verbal, the next time out, you can try to walk the same course in 39 procès-verbal. Use the stopwatch to help you push yourself to get more out of your exercise.

Enfin, after your workout, cool down and stretch. A cool down settles your heart rate. Finish with a very slow walk, and focus on inhaling through your nose, exhaling out of your mouth to help your body relax and your heart rate to come down. Puis, finish with a stretch. This is an abbreviated stretch, but it will help break up any lactic acid build up and create continued blood flow throughout the day.

During the beginning, middle and end of this working out, affirm to yourself the goodness of life, the goodness of opportunity, the goodness that you possess as an individual. Keep your mindset on all things positive, then your workout experience will not only help you physically, but it will create a mindset that helps you make the best choices. Mentalement, spiritually and physically you become stronger and your overall outlook becomes brighter.

C'est notre ultime transformations Moment. Peace and be more.

Erich Nall is the owner and founder of Ultimate Transformations Training in Los Angeles. He is the author of “21 Days to Ultimate Health and Wellness.” The certified trainer, nutritionniste, conférencier motivateur, and dedicated life coach is a regular guest and commentator on KJLH 102.3 FM’s the “Front Page” with Dominique DiPrima. As founder of Collegiate Search Youth Organization, Erich has been assisting youth in the community for more than 20 ans.

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