Basket uguaglianza, Same Sex Marriage e altri supporti Campi minati ... Jason Collins, la prima attiva (maschio) pro sport atleta di uscire, ci spinge ad affrontare i nostri sentimenti così tanto più che lo sport e la sessualità ...

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dominique DiPrima
I’ve been meaning to sit down and blog about marriage equality for months. Si tratta di un argomento che ho avuto un opinione precisa sulla poiché nel 1997 quando ho fatto uno show radiofonico sul matrimonio tra persone dello stesso sesso e trasmesso in diretta dalla mecca gay di West Hollywood. E 'stato uno spettacolo di festa, complete with on air nuptials and free wedding cake for all. I almost got fired for doing that broadcast, after conservative Christian crusaders inundated the radio station with calls for me to be dismissed. Alcuni ascoltatori hanno ritenuto che ero fuori del mainstream di African opinione pubblica americana sull'argomento e non meritano di rappresentarci il microfono.

Come faccio spesso, Ho messo la gente in aria che mi ha fatto saltare la mia opinione, anche se mi hanno accusato di sopprimerla. E 'una delle ironie di base di talk radio. E io sono daccordo con esso. Avrei dato Chris Broussard airtime, di condividere la sua visione che le persone omosessuali non può essere cristiano, anche se non sono d'accordo con lui 100%.

Sapevo esattamente cosa ex Packers sicurezza Leroy Butler stava affrontando quando ha ottenuto cartesiano da un concerto che parla per il suo Tweet a sostegno di Jason Collins. E credo che è la storia di Jason Collins che finalmente mi spingendo di sedersi e concentrarsi su questo tema. I’m a little overwhelmed as I write because the subject is a true media minefield. So let me break down the issues, as I see them, one at a time.

1) Is Jason Collins a hero? He risked losing a lucrative NBA career and being rejected by his family and friends to tell the truth about who he is. I think that is heroic (even if there was a publicist somewhere urging him to be the first so he could go from “Jason who?” to headline overnight.) I give him credit for making life easier for other folks, especially young people who are struggling with the issues of their own sexual orientation, for blazing a trail
2) Are we sick of this story? Io non sono. But I respect folks who are. I get it. The pack mentality of the media is off-putting. Is Collins the only, or even the most important hero of May 2013? Nope. Is there a kid somewhere sacrificing to feed his baby sister that is getting no media attention at all? Without a doubt.
3) Why does he have to tell us? I don’t announce that I’m straight! Sounds funny and right on when people say it, but…heterosexuals are the dominant group in this society. You are assumed to be straight unless proven (or rumored) otherwise. In other words you would face no penalty for announcing your sexuality, or even what you did with your girlfriend last night. Collins did get a lot of support and kudos, but it wasn’t guaranteed. And he has also taken a lot of flak. He had to tell us to break down a barrier and help the LGBT (Lesbian, Gay, Transgender, Bisexual) community in this country to take a step forward.
4) Perché deve essere un ragazzo nero? Non lo so. Ma io vado con questa ipotesi. Noi tendiamo a essere più coraggiosi nel rompendo un nuovo terreno per i diritti umani e l'uguaglianza. Mi capita che le persone non si sentono le associazioni con la femminilizzazione o evirazione di un uomo nero. O forse sono solo stanco di essere noi i ragazzi manifesto per tutto sotto il sole. Ma andiamo basta andare con la spiegazione che è supportato dalla storia, quello che più ci serve – siamo coraggiosi.
5) Perché non stiamo dando credito per Brittney Griner WNBA #1 draft che è uscito due settimane fa? Alcuni dicono che il suo sessismo. Ma è probabilmente perché la maggior parte degli uomini sono molto meno minacciati da lesbiche, che da uomini gay, e il mondo dello sport (soprattutto giornalismo sportivo) is still mostly a man’s world.
6) What does this have to do with marriage equality? The time is now. Public opinion has changed. People are ready for this to be a non-issue. Interestingly enough the gap in public opinion is more generational than racial. People over 40 are still much more likely to be homophobic, regardless of race or religion. Jason Collins is just another indicator that this is the moment in history when we stop legal and institutional discrimination against LGBT people. Cambiare atteggiamenti e comportamenti richiede più tempo (guardare l'eredità persistente del razzismo,) ma è tempo di cambiare ciò che può essere cambiato durante la notte, leggi e politiche.
7) Perché deve essere il matrimonio? Non potevano chiamarlo in un altro modo? Come una questione religiosa, la questione di se o non matrimonio dello stesso sesso è consentito è ancora a ogni chiesa. Niente potrà cambiare la situazione. Ma, come nazione, non possiamo scegliere quali leggi si applicano a cui le persone e che i gruppi non saranno dati gli stessi diritti come gli altri. Se diciamo che i gay non possono ottenere licenze di matrimonio, che dovrebbe estendersi anche alle patenti di guida, licenze di caccia o licenze mediche? O il governo deve uscire dal business del matrimonio (which is impossible since this particular spiritual union has legal and financial implications that are regulated by state and federal laws,) or we have to extend the exact same rights to all citizens. Periodo.
8) Why do I care? Io non lo faccio. Don’t get me wrong I do care about equal rights under the law for all people. And I am thrilled to see us as a nation moving beyond homophobia and hate! But is same sex marriage on the top of my list of priorities? Not at all. Ancora, I had to write this because it seems to be top of mind for many people who are not directly impacted by it. Maybe a better question is: why do you care? If you don’t like it, don’t choose it. You are still free to worship as you see fit, teach your children as you choose and avoid your (gay) cousins wedding. Maybe it’s time to let it go and spend your energy feeding some hungry children or volunteering to read to kids at a local school – I’m just saying…

This blog is dedicated to my godmother, the late Audre Lorde the pioneering Black lesbian poet. It is dedicated to my sister Shani Baraka, who inspired many young women to strive for greatness, and be themselves. She died too soon. It is dedicated to my stepfather Alan Marlowe, who loved me unconditionally before he succumbed to lung cancer accelerated by HIV. It is a thank you to my dear (late) friend Eric Nash (AKA “Miss Kane”) who would never have let me stay engaged to Jason Collins cause his “gaydar” would have been beeping like crazy. This is a testament to my late godfather Roberto Clemente who fought for love and respect for all people of good character regardless of race, gender or sexual orientation. And it is for you, for your lesbian auntie and your flamboyant choir director. It’s for your boyfriend on the down low and your favorite stylist. It’s for the Black superstar who we keep shoving back in the closet. Se, Black America, have a special issue with the LGBT community, it’s time to take the blinders off, come out of denial and practice unconditional acceptance. It’s time for us to leave the judgment to God almighty, and practice brotherhood (& sisterhood) right here, adesso. It’s time to choose love. One Love.

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4 Commenti

Ci sono attualmente 4 Commenti su Basket uguaglianza, Same Sex Marriage e altri supporti Campi minati ... Jason Collins, la prima attiva (maschio) pro sport atleta di uscire, ci spinge ad affrontare i nostri sentimenti così tanto più che lo sport e la sessualità .... Forse vorreste Aggiungi uno proprio?

  1. “Is Jason Collins a hero? He risked losing a lucrative NBA career and being rejected by his family and friends to tell the truth about who he is.”

    First off he’s a veteran who has been in the league for twelve years, da 07 has been with 5 teams. The guy is a journeyman on his way OUT OF THE LEAGUE! Where is the risk in that?! Come out as a rookie or in your Prime then talk to me about risk! He might not be in the league next season.

  2. The fact that this homo agenda has gained momentum and seemingly more widespread acceptance in this country is not AT ALL surprising to me. As you know.our country was founded in iniquity and hypocrisy where DIVINE law and the PRINCIPLES of righteousness are concerned. So it comes as no surprise that this SIN is being legislatively forced on ALL people. The homo lifestyle CHOICE has a legacy and deep history among caucasian people(see Cretan history) and they being the dominate culture are in a position to push this sin into seeming acceptance though the whole concept of homo”sexuality” is really impossible. You see sexuality can not exist or be DEFINED between the sex organ and digestive(i.e. mouth or anus..Fecal intecourse or PAP ingestion) system but under this global white supremacist dynamic we should expect that even natural law should be turned upside down and inside out. You homo’s and sympathizers love to remove morality from this equation and argue that it’s between two consenting adults and isn’t hurting anyone and blah-blah-blah-blah-blah! Well if morality is out then ANYTHING goes like INCEST. What’s WRONG with two consenting adult blood relatives (your father and you maybe,your son and you??? think of the possibilities!!!) expressing love through sex??? after all their not HURTING anyone!!!! In conclusion,this subject of homo agenda and lifestyle choice is certainly the social issue Du jour POLITICALLY and rightfully so because in the arena of MORALITY (which is the essence of hue-man kinds sense of right and wrong and therefor it’s laws) it is in deed a NON-ISSUE.

  3. Whatever the sexual orientation of the Jason Collins, is his business. Tuttavia, I feel he is used this heightened social issue of homosexuality to become relevant in the media. I feel that he in “coming out” the a national magazine at a time where is basketball career is diminishing is a STUNT. SI, he might be gay, but now he will use this controversy as an excuse for his professional treatment in the near future. Per esempio, the minute is contract is not renewed, or another team doesn’t pick him up to play, this now becomes a GAY issue instead of what it is. Whether this man is gay or not, he does not produce numbers! As a player, he sucks. Ma non ho alcun dubbio nella mia mente che lui sa, e che questa bravata è stato un tentativo di ottenere 5 minuti di fama e di raccolta di denaro un po 'di più con le interviste. Gay o non, la sua carriera professionale sta volgendo al termine. Vorrei solo che la gente non incolpare il suo orientamento sessuale per la morte della sua carriera.

  4. Is Jason Collins a hero? In, lui è un bianco gay fantoccio Community. Se si vuole guardare eroismo in nero sport, ci sono esempi innumerevoli e migliori. Se si vuole parlare di eroismo in nero sportivo gay, è necessario dare credito quando il credito è dovuto: Sig.. Glenn Burke dei Dodgers era “fuori” abbastanza per i suoi gusti. I suoi compagni di squadra conoscevano e non si cura. E aveva veri amici che hanno amato e sostenuto lo. Ancora, non ha chiamato lui stesso un “eroe”: la definizione di un eroe. Infine, Dominique, on the topic of the State’s budget; being Black and Republican or gay or both; and cleaning up (sweeping) your own front porch (budget deficit) first: All I have to say is that I’d love to run for office, but I have no natural constituency. People are stuck on stupid, thinking that there’s just one way. And that if I’m a Republican I have to be anti-poor or anti-equal opportunity. Or that it I’m gay, I have to be pro-gay marriage and “anything goes”. The very same people who preach inclusiveness are the same ones who are lining their pockets, feasting at the trough in the service of the Party Line. I’d rather that you pay me to sweep your front porch, than sweep my own for free. There’s a difference between “scelta” e “Chaos”. My political and economic consultancy, “Colorful People Takin’ Care of Business” website should be up and running by the middle of summer. Don’t follow me, but visit me– and my jacked-up porch full of Colored people with good ideas — at that time.

    — Darrell from Long Beach.