Barneys s'engage à payer 525G $ pour régler les allégations de profilage racial après examen des droits civiques

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Barneys a accepté de payer $525,000 pour régler les allégations que le détaillant haut de gamme minorités délibérément pris pour cible entrant son Madison Ave. magasin phare.

State Attorney General Eric Schneiderman’s investigators heard from customers and former employees that a pattern of racial profiling began last year when the high-end store tried to crack down on a dramatic spike in shoplifting and credit card fraud.

Complainants told Schneiderman’s civil rights division that the store’s security team — known as the “loss prevention unit” — made a habit of keeping watch over black and Hispanic shoppers in disproportionate numbers.

Lire la suite: NY Daily Nouvelles

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