A Florida boy was arrested after refusing to recite the Pledge of Allegiance in class

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An 11-year-old boy in Florida was arrested after he refused to recite the Pledge of Allegiance in class and allegedly refused to listen to orders from school officials and a resource officer. According to Bay News 9, the boy got into an argument with his substitute teacher earlier this month at Lawton Chiles Middle Academy in Lakeland, Floride, after he refused to stand with his classmates for the pledge.

After the boy told his substitute teacher that the American flag is racist, she asked him, according to her report to the school, “Why if it was so bad here, he did not go to another place to live.” The boy reportedly responded, “They brought me here.” The teacher then said, “Well, you can always go back, because I came here from Cuba, and the day I feel I’m not welcome here anymore, I would find another place to live.”


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  1. Wow it’s truly amazing these so called educators, don’t know the law of the land.
    JW’s, have fought and won the rights for all children no matter there religious affiliation,
    to be able to refuse standing for the flag salute or being forced to recite the pledge of allegiance. On the grounds of religious freedom. It’s a Google search away for those ignorant of the laws. JS.