Ashra Kwesi

Posted in Show Notes

ASHRA  KWESI, Lecturer, African & Nile Valley Civilization Historian. He  and his wife, Merira Kwesi are lecturers on African history,  civilization, religion and culture. They present lively and dynamic  slide presentation productions and videos based on their extensive study  and travel on the African continent. Their startling and revealing  information on the African origin of many of the concepts and symbols  now utilized by the western world is due to their focus on the ancient  African Nile Valley. These national and international lecturers also  conduct the Kemet Nu “Know Thyself” Educational Tours to Egypt and  Ethiopia. Brother and Sister Kwesi link the historical with the present  in order to bring “our story” to life.

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  1. I would like to know if you have the podcast updated on the shows that you tape in the morning. On my podcast for the show it only shows March 2012, I am unable to hear any of the tapings from that date through today’s date.

    Where should I go to hear the current tapings for your shows?