“The Tipping Point:” Fear of a Brown Planet

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…America’s Rainbow Tribe Goes from Minority to Majority!

dominique DiPrima

The release of the new 2011 Census data set off an avalanche of news articles on America’s changing demographics. A quick Google search turned up 973 articles with the term “tipping point” used to describe the fact that for the first time in U.S. history so-called minorities now make up the majority of births in this country (50.4%.) Latinos are the fastest growing ethnic group, next is African Americans, who are the second-largest minority group in the United States, at 43.9 million in 2011, up 1.6 percent from 2010. There are many reasons for this, one of the most important is that Black, Brown and Asian populations are younger and thus more likely to be of child-bearing age. And there are lots of ways it is changing and will continue to change our nation. For starters, maybe we’ll finally get rid of the unpopular term “minority!”

But what struck me right off the bat was this whole “tipping point” image. Maybe it’s just me, but I don’t think so…It seems like the implication is that we’re falling off into some kind of abyss of Blackness & Brown-ness. While everyone from The Wall Street Journal to The Los Angeles Times tries to sound objective and scholarly in their analysis, the vibe I get is not that at all. It reminds me of the likes of Michelle Bachman and Sarah Palin talking about how they want to “Take back America!” When I hear these statements I always ask myself: Take it back from whom? Take it back to where?

Let’s look at this quote from the Tribune News Service:
 For the first time in U.S. history, whites of European ancestry account for less than half of newborn children,
marking a demographic tipping point that is already changing the nation’s politics, economy and workforce.
Although there are no racial slurs or openly disparaging remarks here, it begs the question, why is it not an “evolution,” “upgrade,” or “transformation?” Why is the term tipping point so irresistible to these analysts? And what does it mean to them? Are they suffering from fear of a brown planet?

Check out this quote from The Los Angeles Times. I get that these are the facts. And thank you for helpfully pointing out that we are still not in charge:
The racial and ethnic shift was an expected, but still important, turning point for the nation, whose economic and political
elites remain essentially white and primarily male.
But whether you call it a tipping point, or an evolution, whether you call it inevitable, or our nation “going to hell in a hand basket,” I celebrate it. And I invite you to celebrate as well. Even the Wall Street Journal admits that the young ethnically diverse workforce gives our nation an advantage on the world stage. And whether the media says it or not, our children have the opportunity to grow up in an environment that better prepares them to be citizens of a global society.
Much is made of overcrowding, competition, and scarce resources. But you don’t hear much about “natural decrease.” That’s what happens when more people die than are born. And trust me, it’s not good for business. With that phenomena in mind, one could argue that the “Rainbow Tribe” (a term coined by the late Josephine Baker) is saving America! Let’s embrace a mindset of abundance and inclusion! Let’s celebrate the beauty and strength of our diversity!
Of course we honor, preserve and study our own culture, history, ethnicity, and contributions! Of course we remember and continue our struggles for justice! Of course we don’t forget where we come from…We always give thanks to our ancestors! And as we do so let’s join the world community and celebrate the beauty of our brown planet!

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  1. Yes Dominique we should celebrate this new and evolved brown planet. It’s of no surprise to me that pundits used the word’s tipping point to describe it. When change happens the people that dwell in the old mentality get all nervous and shaken up. It’s a wonderful time to be living, I embrace the change and excited to see an diverse global world.

    • A diverse global world???

      Unlikely.. The “powers that be” have found yet another way to suppress the negro once again. Those of us who aspire to be entertainers (i.e. rappers) are finally conquered. The game is no longer open for rebels or free thinkers. One MUST go through the Jay z’s, the Lil Wayne’s of the industry. The sheer promise of big money and material poessions is all it takes now. Nevermind that these “powers that be” have been manipulating the course of history since the beginning but there was always some vestige of hope. In a lot of ways Hip Hop/Rap served as that last vestige but sadly all of our once proud rap heroes have been tamed, silenced, bought out and soforth.

      Diverse?? Perhaps but this doesn’t include free thinkers and God fearing folk..

    • It’s time to think globally and take our place in the broader world!

      • Hmmmm…

        Take our place in a world dominated by satanists (Rothchilds, Rocafellsa, Duponts etc).. We have already been conquered globally. The ONLY way this thing is ever gonna get fixed is our Heavenly Father returns.. We may be able to win small victories but by far in large this is satans palce…

  2. Yes I don’t know why this comes as a suprise to anyone, and after listening to the teaching of our scholar’s like Runoko Rashidi, and Ashra Kwesi and some of the other’s that have been on the Front Page. This should be no suprise people of Color never were menorities in this World we just been BS into believing we were. Now imagine if we to banned together instead of fighting each other over petty differences. Stop letting other’s who don’t have our best interest and well being at heart destroy us or set us up to distroy ourselves.