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Western Regional Student Minister & Representative of The

“Nation of Islam”, Resident Minister of Muhammad Mosque No. 27 in Los Angeles.

Sent by the Honorable Minister Louis Farrakhan to Los Angeles in 1996 to broaden the community’s awareness of the universal mission of the Nation of Islam.

Throughout those years the Nation of Islam has strived to build programs that provide solutions to some of the problems that have plagued the city of Los Angeles and Southern California.

The Nation of Islam has been at the forefront of promoting “Peace In The Streets” among the warring gang factions and has organized Peace Summits at our mosque. In fact, we have met with over 140 street organizations, which have decided to promote peace in the streets and stop the killing of so many innocent people caught up in the crossfire of gang rivalries.

NUREPUBLIC WEST is offering job opportunities.

Please contact James Fountain at Mobile Tax Services


PH: 323.920.0122

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  1. I am so appreciative of the information that Minister Tony Muhammad shared on Frontpage Wednesday and Thursday. The way our people are being treated is unforgivable.
    Hope you enjoyed your well deserved week off Dominique!